Percentage Increase and Decrease: Essential Concepts and Examples

Understanding percentage increase and decrease is crucial for students preparing for banking exams. These concepts frequently appear in various types of quantitative aptitude questions, and mastering them can significantly enhance problem-solving skills. This article delves into the essentials of percentage increase and decrease, providing clear explanations, engaging examples, and practical tips to help you excel in your exams.

What is Percentage Increase and Decrease?

Percentage increase refers to the rise in a value expressed as a percentage of the original value. Conversely, percentage decrease represents a reduction in value expressed as a percentage of the original amount. Both concepts are fundamental in daily life, from understanding price changes to calculating discounts and interest rates.

Formula for Percentage Increase

To calculate the percentage increase between two values, use the formula:

Percentage Increase = (New Value - Original Value) / Original Value × 100

Example of Percentage Increase Calculation

Original Value New Value Percentage Increase
Rs 500 Rs 600 20%

Formula for Percentage Decrease

To determine the percentage decrease between two values, apply the formula:

Percentage Decrease = (Original Value - New Value) / Original Value × 100

Example of Percentage Decrease Calculation

Original Value New Value Percentage Decrease
Rs 800 Rs 600 25%

Practical Applications of Percentage Increase and Decrease

Understanding how to calculate percentage changes is not only crucial for exams but also for real-world applications. Here are some common scenarios:

1. Price Adjustments

When shopping, percentage increase and decrease help determine sales prices or discounts. For instance, if a store offers a 15% discount on a Rs 1000 item, the new price is:

Original Price Discount Percentage Discount Amount New Price
Rs 1000 15% Rs 150 Rs 850

Further Example: If an item’s price is reduced from Rs 1200 to Rs 900, the percentage decrease is:

Original Price Reduced Price Percentage Decrease
Rs 1200 Rs 900 25%

2. Interest Rates

In finance, percentage changes help compute interest rates and returns on investments. For example, if an investment grows from Rs 10000 to Rs 12000, the percentage increase in the value is:

Original Value New Value Percentage Increase
Rs 10000 Rs 12000 20%

Further Example: If the value of a bond decreases from Rs 15000 to Rs 12000, the percentage decrease is:

Original Value New Value Percentage Decrease
Rs 15000 Rs 12000 20%

3. Population Growth

In demographic studies, percentage increase helps analyze population growth. If a city’s population rises from 500,000 to 600,000, the percentage increase is:

Original Population New Population Percentage Increase
500,000 600,000 20%

Further Example: If a village’s population grows from 10,000 to 12,500, the percentage increase is:

Original Population New Population Percentage Increase
10,000 12,500 25%

Advanced Applications

Beyond basic examples, percentage increase and decrease have more complex applications in various fields.

1. Compound Interest

In compound interest calculations, the percentage change is not straightforward as it involves multiple periods. For instance, if an investment of Rs 5000 grows to Rs 8000 over three years, the overall percentage increase is:

Original Value Final Value Percentage Increase
Rs 5000 Rs 8000 60%

To find the annual compound interest rate, more advanced formulas and calculations are required, typically involving logarithms.

2. Economic Indicators

In economics, percentage changes are used to measure inflation rates, GDP growth, and other economic indicators. For example, if a country’s GDP grows from Rs 2 trillion to Rs 2.5 trillion, the percentage increase in GDP is:

Original GDP New GDP Percentage Increase
Rs 2 trillion Rs 2.5 trillion 25%

3. Real Estate

In real estate, understanding percentage changes helps assess property value fluctuations. If a property’s value increases from Rs 3 million to Rs 3.6 million, the percentage increase is:

Original Value New Value Percentage Increase
Rs 3 million Rs 3.6 million 20%

Practical Tips for Calculating Percentage Increase and Decrease

While the formulas for percentage increase and decrease are straightforward, applying them efficiently can sometimes be challenging. Here are some practical tips and tricks to simplify the process using fractions:

1. Converting Percentage to Fraction

Before performing calculations, it’s often helpful to convert percentages to fractions. This makes arithmetic operations easier without relying on decimals. To convert a percentage to a fraction, divide the percentage by 100 and simplify, if possible. For example:

  • 15% as a fraction is 15/100 = 3/20
  • 25% as a fraction is 25/100 = 1/4

2. Calculating Percentage Increase and Decrease Using Fractions

When dealing with percentage increase or decrease, you can use the following method with fractions:

Percentage Increase:

To find the new value after a percentage increase, multiply the original value by 1 + (percentage in fraction form). For example, to increase Rs 500 by 20%:

  • Convert 20% to a fraction: 1/5
  • Add this fraction to 1: 1 + 1/5 = 6/5
  • Multiply the original value: 500 × 6/5 = 3000/5 = 600

So, after increasing Rs 500 by 20%, the new value is Rs 600.

Original Value Percentage Increase New Value Calculation New Value
Rs 500 20% Rs 500 × 6/5 = 600 Rs 600

Percentage Decrease:

To find the new value after a percentage decrease, multiply the original value by 1 – (percentage in fraction form). For instance, to decrease Rs 800 by 25%:

  • Convert 25% to a fraction: 1/4
  • Subtract this fraction from 1: 1 – 1/4 = 3/4
  • Multiply the original value: 800 × 3/4 = 2400/4 = 600

So, after decreasing Rs 800 by 25%, the new value is Rs 600.

Original Value Percentage Decrease New Value Calculation New Value
Rs 800 25% Rs 800 × 3/4 = 600 Rs 600

3. Working with Multiple Percentage Changes

When dealing with multiple percentage changes, such as successive increases or decreases, apply each percentage change step by step. For example, if a value increases by 10% and then by another 5%, calculate each step:

Original Value First Increase Second Increase Final Value
Rs 1000 Rs 1000 × 11/10 = 1100 Rs 1100 × 21/20 = 1155 Rs 1155

4. Using Reverse Calculations

Sometimes, you might need to reverse-engineer a percentage problem. For instance, if you know the final value after an increase and need to find the original value:

Finding Original Value After Increase:

Divide the final value by 1 + (percentage in fraction form). For example, if Rs 1200 is 20% more than the original value:

Final Value Percentage Increase Original Value Calculation Original Value
Rs 1200 20% Rs 1200 ÷ 6/5 = Rs 1000 Rs 1000

Finding Original Value After Decrease:

Divide the final value by 1 – (percentage in fraction form). For instance, if Rs 750 is 25% less than the original value:

Final Value Percentage Decrease Original Value Calculation Original Value
Rs 750 25% Rs 750 ÷ 3/4 = Rs 1000 Rs 1000


By mastering these practical tips for calculating percentage increase and decrease using fractions, you can approach problems with greater confidence and accuracy. These methods are crucial for banking exams and real-world financial scenarios. Practicing these techniques regularly will sharpen your skills and help you solve percentage problems efficiently.

Remember, understanding the fundamental principles and applying these methods will enhance both your exam performance and daily decision-making involving percentage calculations.


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